A Pious Couple A pious man, by the name of Shah ibn Shuja Kirmani (Rahmatullah Alaih), abandoned his kingship and adopted the path of self-reformation. He received a proposal for his daughter from another ruler, but rejected it. Upon seeing […]
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Recipe for a successful marriage by Mufti Ebrahim Desai
“Our Lord! Grant that our spouses and our offspring be a comfort to our eyes, and give us the grace to lead those who are conscious of You” (Furqaan 74). Q: Every human being by nature has an instinct to dispute. This instinct becomes more manifest between the husband and wife, thus leading to marital […]
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Backbiting !
Much has been written about the subject of Gheebah (backbiting). The Ulama and other scholars continue to condemn this contagious ailment that is rife among all walks of life. The ongoing condemnation of this scourge in society is exactly the reason why so much is spoken about it and why so much is written about […]
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Who are Tablighis and Deobandis? Are they on the right path?
The noble work of tablīgh slowly and gradually uproots all unislamic activities. No amount of political or economic activism is effective as the noble work of tablīgh. The focus is winning the hearts of people and cultivating in them the love for Allāh Ta`āla, His Rasūl ﷺ and Dīn. Tablīgh has a direct impact […]
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Answer to objections on Taqleed (following a Madhab)
Question: Assalaam alaikum Subject: The Salafi Arguement Respected ulema, Today I was leading the Fajar salat and due to a mistake (prolonged silence before qirat while trying to remember the sura) I did sajda sahu. The Salafi brother got upset and a discussion ensued. They said that following a madhab strictly is like the following […]
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Sincere Repentance is Rewarded.
Sincere Repentance is Rewarded Abu Sa’id Khudri (Radiallahu anhu) narrates that Nabi (Salalaahu alaihi wa salam) said, “Among the people of the past, was a man who had killed ninety-nine people. He then asked about the most knowledgeable person in the land. He was directed to a monk, so he went to him and […]
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What are our beliefs concerning the twelve Shia Imams?
Question I have a twelver Shia friend, many times he has told me about the 12 imams and that they believe that imam mahdi is alive but in hiding for now. I would like to know the sunni view on the 12 imams and if imam mahdi is the 12 imam. How different are our […]
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Question What is the ruling of haircuts? Answer Men are permitted to cut their hair.This is based on the fact that there are numerous narrations which mention that Rasulullah sallallahualaihiwasallam and the Sahabah radhiallahuanhum cut, trimmed or shaved their hair. However, there are; as with any other aspect of a Muslims life; certain restrictions and boundaries. Everyone […]
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The Hijab of Women and its Boundaries
By Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani Translated by Mawlana Zameelur Rahman Abu Bakr ibn Abi Shaybah and Abu Kurayb narrated to us. They said: Abu Usamah narrated to us: from Hisham: from his father: from ‘A’isha (Allah be pleased with her): she said: “Sawdah (Allah he pleased with her) went out [in the fields] in order […]
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The ruling of istighathah.
Question Assalamu Alium There are people in our area who seek help from Auliya ullah who are dead (Istigasa). I understand that these people are committing Shirk. Now the questions are: Are these persons among those Mushrikeen about whom Allah says that they remain in the Hell forever. And is it that type of Shirk about […]
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