Sincere Repentance is Rewarded Abu Sa’id Khudri (Radiallahu anhu) narrates that Nabi (Salalaahu alaihi wa salam) said, “Among the people of the past, was a man who had killed ninety-nine people. He then asked about the most knowledgeable person in the land. He was directed to a monk, so he went to him and […]
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Enthusiasm for Islamic Knowledge
Enthusiasm for Islamic Knowledge Yahya ibn Yahya ibn Kathir ibn Wislan ibn Shimlal ibn Munghaya was a great faqih (jurist) of Andalus. He was born in the year 152 Hijri and studied Hadith under the great Imam Malik (Rahmatullah Alaih), during the last days of the Imam’s […]
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Feeling Helpless – What Muslim Ummah can do to help during times of war
Feeling Helpless – What Muslim Ummah can do to help during times of war Hope: At this critical juncture when war is the buzz word of the War Mongers, many Muslims are left in despair and in a state of hopelessness. It may seem that the death of millions of innocents is now inevitable, but […]
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